2 Line Love Shayari in English | Best Short Love Shayari

by Ekta
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Hey there, I’ve got a special treat for you today – two beautiful lines of love poetry in English that will really resonate with you. Check out this short and sweet love shayari in English.

2 Line Love Shayari in English:- “Friend, today I bring for you in English ❤️❣️ Best two lines of love shayari that will touch your heart. If you understand love, then this post is for you. If you remember and miss your love, then this Short love shayari in English is for you. Share it with your partner and express the feelings of your heart ❤️.”

In this post, you will find :- Two Line Love Shayari in English |2 Line shayari in English | Love Shayari 2 line english |Short love shayari in english |Love shayari in english | Heart touching love shayari in english|True Love Shayari in English Etc.

2 Line Love Shayari in English

“The saga of your memories is quite unique,
Sometimes a moment, and then every moment, it comes to my mind.”

2 Line Love Shayari in EnglishDownload Image

“Just you and your love,
In these two words is my world.”

2 Line Love Shayari in EnglishDownload Image

“Love doesn’t follow any democracy,
Else, through protests, I would have made you mine.”

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“Whether you’re my restlessness or peace,
I haven’t understood until today.”

“Even as it reaches the lips, it stays unspoken,
In love, you are the destination of patience.”

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“In the realms of thoughts, your image crafted at night,
So enchanting, I embraced it tight.”

“Be the heartbeat in my heart, O love divine,
As long as breath graces, together we’ll entwine.”

Short Love shayari in English

“In the quiet embrace of the night so fair,
Heartfelt words whispered into the air.”

Short Love shayari in EnglishDownload Image

“In moments of anger, a bit naive you may be,
But in every way, my beloved, you are my Jaan so free.”

“What kind of connection is this between you and me,
Distances may be many, but love doesn’t diminish.”


You think you’re one of
millions but you’re one in
a million to me..

“Started with you and ended on you,
My anger and my love…!”

Short Love shayari in EnglishDownload Image

“I can stay awake my whole life,
Just say, without talking to you, sleep eludes me…!”

“I used to worry about her,
And she about the world…!”

Heart touching love shayari in englishDownload Image

“Watch and try to stop yourself from crying,
Let me die a little, let me go…!”

“Do whatever you want in love,
But don’t betray each other…!”

Heart touching love shayari in englishDownload Image

Heart touching Love Shayari in English

“Listen, the memories you hold,
Never let them shatter…!”

“Someone asked me, ‘Who is your own?’
I said, ‘Time is good, everyone else is not…!'”

Heart touching love shayari in englishDownload Image

“You are the only solution,
to all my problems…!”

“Everyone has their own worlds,
But my world is none other than you. ?”

Also Read

  1. Motivational Shayari in English
  2. Barish Shayari in English
  3. Birthday Shayari in English
love shayari english shortDownload Image

“She said ‘yes’ to my ?love
In a way, she called my mom, ‘mom.’ ?”

“When the memory of you comes, I lose myself in your thoughts
These days, as I think of you ~ I fall asleep just thinking. ?”

love shayari english shortDownload Image

“I’ve started losing myself in your memories,
Ever since I met you, I’ve started feeling like you’re mine…!”

“It seems life is passing by in his enjoyment,
That’s why lost love doesn’t remember…!”

love shayari english shortDownload Image

“Loving is very easy,
The challenge lies in sustaining it…!”

“You are like a soothing balm for me,
The moment you embrace, peace sets in…!”

short love shayariDownload Image

“Don’t attach your heart to anyone in this world,
Those who come without being invited often leave without saying goodbye…!”

“You’ve done everything—lies, deceit, and betrayal,
Just to spend a little time with me…!”

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“I’ve gone crazy in your love,
I would do anything to have you.”

“From you begins the story of my life,
And in you, it finds its last breath.”

love shayari english shortDownload Image

“My heart is broken, what should I wait for now,
You tell me, how much more love should I shower upon you.”

“Living with everyone reveals the essence of life,
And being alone, you understand what life truly is. ??”

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“?Today, those people have forgotten
Who once said they never want to lose me. ?”

Love is missing someone whenever you’re apart,
but somehow feeling warm inside because you’re close in heart.

ENGLISH Love SHAYARIDownload Image

True Love Short Love Shayari in English

If I could, I would hide you from this entire world
and keep you forever close to me.

True Love Short Love Shayari in EnglishDownload Image

Long-distance relationships are the purest test of love.

True Love Short Love Shayari in EnglishDownload Image

Love is that condition in which the happiness of
another person is essential to your own.

“So much ?love has grown,
I don’t have the heart ❤️ to live alone for even a moment without you. ?”

True Love Short Love Shayari in EnglishDownload Image

“When I walk, all I think about is,
Which way to go that I find you…!”

“You didn’t lose anything by breaking my heart,
But I lost someone who was mine…!”


“There’s another rule of my love,
I accept you just the way you are…!”

“I don’t need anyone else,
Just you are enough for me…!”

true love english shayariDownload Image

“Whatever people may say about you,
My love is only for you…!”

“To live in your love, to die in your love,
That is my goal, to journey towards finding you…!”

true love shayari in englishDownload Image

“In your beautiful eyes resides my entire world,
You are the most beautiful feeling of my life, my love.”

“My love is captured in your fragrance,
My nights pass in the memories of you.”

true love shayari in englishDownload Image

“He ?persuades me even when angry,
And I ?show attitude even when I am wrong.”

“?To die is inevitable, one day,
If I find you, then we’ll live a little ?”

true love shayari in englishDownload Image

“You alone ?resided in my heart,
Otherwise, many had tried here…!”

“Love is a word that can happen with anyone; it doesn’t see caste, religion, or social status. When it looks, it only sees your heart. You can express your love with heart-touching 2-line love Shayari in English and short love Shayari.”

“Have you ever experienced true love with someone? Please comment and let me know. If you liked our poetry, do share our website with your friends. Thanks

इसे भी पढ़े। – दिल को छू जाने वाली Love Shayari हिंदी में।


Q:- What is a Two Line Love Shayari?

ANS:- A Two Line Love Shayari is a short and sweet expression of love and emotions in just two lines.

Q:- Can I use Two Line Love Shayari for my personal messages or social media posts?

ANS:- Yes, you can use them to express your feelings on social media or in personal messages to your loved ones.

Q:-Where can I find Two Line Love Shayari in English?

ANS:-You can find a collection of Two Line Love Shayari in English on our website.

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